2.5.4. References from code

In Sitecore solutions, references to templates and fields are among the most frequent sources of rogue dependencies across modules (see Dependencies). Therefore, maintaining tight control over these dependencies is important in a Sitecore project.

Templates and fields should always be referenced by ID and never by name. This makes it easier to have editor-friendly names or to change field names if needed. Furthermore, hardcoded GUIDs tend to stick out in code and views and therefore makes it easier to detect and avoid implicit dependencies to templates and fields.

Define constants for a module’s templates in a single static class named Templates. This static class is located in the root namespace for the module. This makes it easy to explicitly reference a template in the business logic or views of the module and makes it easier to discover references to a template or field. The conventions define this as a static class to follow the conventions for Constants in the Microsoft C# Programming Guide, as it indicates that the type can only contain static members, including constants, and cannot be mistakenly instantiated or derived from.

The Templates static class should have a nested static class for each template which each contains an ID member and a nested static class, Fields, which contains all fields in the template.

Sitecore Helix Examples

The following shows the Templates static class for the Feature / Basic Content module in Helix Basic Company.

namespace BasicCompany.Feature.BasicContent
    public static class Templates
        public static class PromoCard
            public static class Fields
                public static readonly ID Link = new ID("{B788E8BC-E944-4A2B-A4BE-3424643D322B}");
                public static readonly ID Image = new ID("{21249F44-5F0F-4CFA-9474-8D72930D6575}");
                public static readonly ID Headline = new ID("{4F73C02B-93CC-4C96-B9FF-9D0D8E853ED6}");
                public static readonly ID Text = new ID("{13EB8DCA-281D-4E75-B6E1-701CA719BCD1}");

        public static class SectionHeader
            public static class Fields
                public static readonly ID Text = new ID("{59D24D0A-F955-4988-B26F-92039B4DF8BD}");

        public static class HeroBanner
            public static class Fields
                public static readonly ID Title = new ID("{5179186C-B95E-4E97-95AB-7958721A9AEB}");
                public static readonly ID Subtitle = new ID("{89B0A8ED-0EE8-4512-B518-AB2C4C2A0B9E}");
                public static readonly ID Image = new ID("{B5F61442-FF0F-46A5-90A8-D6D387DE24A0}");

        public static class AccordionItem
            public static class Fields
                public static readonly ID Title = new ID("{5718E787-142B-41D9-B5A1-0B18F45B8236}");
                public static readonly ID Content = new ID("{45EFE66E-5AD2-4F1D-BAD5-FDF281688681}");

A Templates class should never define constants for templates that are not created in the module itself. In cases where Sitecore Helix conventions allow a module to reference another (e.g. Feature to Foundation, or Project to Feature), if a module needs to reference a template or field in that module, it should reference the Templates static class in that module. Or better yet, that module could expose an extension method or other means of consuming that template, to avoid directly referencing the ID constants, as this dependency could make future refactoring more difficult.

The practice of referencing different fields across modules by their shared name – an equivalence to duck typing – is strongly discouraged.


Duck Typing

“If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it is a duck”


An often seen Sitecore example of this is to define that any field named “Title” is used as the header of the page. The problem of this is that “Title” might have different connotations for different content types. For an Article, the title is typical headline of the text – and can be used as the header for the page, but for a person, the Title is typically their job title and might not make sense as the header of the page. If modules need to share data, consider using design patterns such as providers or pipelines to allow one feature to inject content into another feature.

Since template inheritance in Sitecore can be compared to class inheritance object-oriented programming, it is important that, when querying an item’s template, you not use the equals operator but rather an is operator.

Sitecore Helix Examples

The is operator in the Sitecore Item API is the DescendsFrom method on the Item class, which accepts a Template ID. This allows you to determine whether an item directly or indirectly inherits from a template. You can see this used in Helix Basic Company’s HeaderBuilder class:

// Collect home/root item and its children which are navigable
var items = new List<Item> { navigationRoot };
items.AddRange(navigationRoot.Children.Where(item => item.DescendsFrom(Templates.NavigationItem.Id)));

When querying for a specific base template via Content Search query, you will need to enable the _templates computed field. See the Sitecore.ContentSearch.[SearchProvider].DefaultIndexConfiguration.AllTemplates.config.example example patches in your Sitecore installation, or the Feature.Products.ContentSearch.config in Helix Basic Company.

With this computed field available, you can map and query it in Content Search code:

var results = context.GetQueryable<ProductSearchQuery>()
    .Where(product => product.Paths.Contains(parent.ID) && product.Templates.Contains(Templates.Product.Id))
    .Select(x => new {
        Uri = x.UniqueId,
        Database = Factory.GetDatabase(x.UniqueId.DatabaseName)