2.1.1. Dependencies¶
Controlling dependencies throughout a solution is critical to software development in any shape or form. This is both important in the micro architecture – how you break down functionality into methods, classes, class inheritance etc. – but equally so in macro architecture – how you define the overall features of the solution and how these features are coupled.
One of the fundamental principles of object-oriented programming is High Cohesion and Low Coupling. High cohesion relies on breaking the solution down into the right parts with logic that belong together – in Helix referred to as modules – and low coupling relies on keeping the number of dependencies between the different parts down to the absolute minimum.

Figure: Uncontrolled Dependencies, High Coupling
A solution where dependencies are not controlled and with high coupling between the various parts (maybe even to a degree where there are no tangible parts of the solution) very quickly becomes unmanageable and general stability is affected because changes cannot be made without affecting many parts of the solution. This decrease in productivity resulting from the lack of architectural focus is often referred to as technical debt.
With an increase in functionality, the interconnection between modules becomes so high that productivity slowly grinds to a halt. The effort is spent on maintaining the relationships between features, testing and stabilising the solution as opposed to developing new functionality.

Figure: Effort wasted on High Coupling
If a more structured approach to coupling is taken, as described in Helix, the number of dependencies between features is reduced dramatically. And by reducing the number of dependencies and also making them apparent and obvious, the developers will know exactly what effects any change will have on the wider solution, greatly reducing the effort spent on stability and testing. Also, by isolating features, with defined interfaces and clear dependencies, the internal workings of the individual modules become less of an impediment, as developers can focus exclusively on the business feature they are addressing, thus greatly increasing flexibility of the solution and productivity of the team.

Figure: Controlled Dependencies, Low Coupling Types of dependencies¶
In software, dependencies can either be explicit or implicit. Examples
of explicit dependencies are the keyword using
in C#, and a reference in
one assembly to another. Examples of implicit dependencies are a class
string in the HTML mark-up, references to Sitecore fields by name or
reliance on specific technology behaviours in one module without
explicitly referencing the module or exposing this behaviour in the
interface of the module.
It is very important to stress that conceptually, as well as practically, all dependencies between modules count. In a Sitecore context this includes not only references between C# classes and .NET assemblies, but also references from code to Sitecore templates and fields, references between templates, references from templates to renderings, references from HTML mark-up to CSS, calls from the Website through to other services like the Commerce Engine, and so on. Therefore, when working in a modular architecture environment with Sitecore, make sure you constantly keep an eye out for loose coupling or implicit dependencies, and actively ensure dependencies are as explicit as possible.