2.7.3. Value Scope Environment scoped values

Environment scoped values are configurations or settings whose values change depending on the environment on which the implementation is running. Environment scoped values are typically associated with solution-wide configurations, such as connection strings, but can also be context-wide – for example by allowing sites to specify the connection string to use.

Environment-scoped values should be managed in .config files as they are directly affected by the application lifecycle and deployments – which is typically managed by IT.

In cases where environment scoped values are defined as Settings that Sitecore users can manage, for example in cases where different sites or content trees have different connection strings, let these settings point to values defined in a .config file. This will make it possible to change the values in Sitecore, while allowing deployments and the IT application lifecycle to manage the environment’s specific values.

Do not manage environment scoped values as part of the development process, but rather as part of your deployment procedure (see Deployment).

Please note that – although confusing – this does not apply to the Environment definitions that form part of Sitecore Experience Commerce these are considered Configuration. Role scoped values

Sitecore implementations can extend over multiple servers in a single environment. This includes content management, content delivery, email delivery, processing and more. Some configurations have different values, for example disabling features or functionalities, on specific server roles. An example of role scoped values is the configuration in the App_Config/Include/Sitecore.Publishing.DedicatedInstance.config.example file, which configures a server as a dedicated publishing server.

Role scoped values can be managed in the development process, for example by managing role specific Sitecore .config include files or role specific web.config files as part of the build process. Alternately the specific values can be managed as part of the deployment process.

Role scoped values are typically restricted to IT/developer managed configurations, as Settings are typically managed in Sitecore items – whose values are shared across server roles. Implementation scoped values

This is by far the most typical value scope, as it is a value which, when set, affects the entire implementation. Most configurations in the Sitecore .config include files that are implementation scoped and user managed Settings.

Implementation scoped values for Settings are typically initially defined in the development process, but are managed as part of the content management process in the production environment. As implementation scoped settings values are therefore “owned” by the Sitecore users in the production environment – and it should be able to bring these back through the environments as part of the content - for testing purposes, it is good practice to manage these as part of the Sitecore content.

Always manage implementation scoped values in configurations in the development environment and deploy them through the usual deployment procedure. Avoid at all cost making implementation scoped changes in specific environments as this will differentiate environments and can severely cripple a consistent testing effort.

In Helix, implementation scoped values should always be associated with the module which requires them. For example, if a Foundation module requires the standard Sitecore configuration setting to change, the module itself should manage this change – by including an App_Config/Include file in the module.